A "Mounting" Problem (Motor Mounts)
February 25, 2024
You know how heavy your engine and transmission are, so you can imagine how tough the parts that hold them onto your vehicle's sub-frame must be. Not only must they support the weight, they also have to isolate vibrations and noise from the passenger cabin. Pretty tall order, wouldn't you say? ... More

Why People in Branson Hesitate to Get Their Vehicle Serviced
February 18, 2024
A recent report stated that over 80 percent of the vehicles on our Branson, MO, roads have one or more service or repair that's needed but hasn't been taken care of. Now that's a lot of undone service. That translates into something over 160 million vehicles in North America alone. Some of the ne... More

Too Hot to Handle (Vehicle Overheating)
February 11, 2024
In the hot weather, seeing steam coming from the engine compartment is something we all dread. No one wants that to happen to them. But if you know the signs of overheating and how to deal with it, you may be able to reduce the risk of damage to your vehicle, maybe even prevent getting stranded ... More

Fuel System Cleaning the Professional Way at Star Lube Branson
February 4, 2024
Your fuel system needs to be clean to do its job properly. When it gets dirty, the results are lower engine performance, reduced fuel economy and impaired safety. It can even lead to costly repair bills for Branson drivers. So keep your fuel system clean as part of your routine preventive mainten... More